Thursday, November 4, 2010

Environmental Disaster: The Martin County Coal Slurry Spill

On october 11th 2000 shortly after midnight an estimated 306,000,000 US gallons of slurry poored into two tributaries of the Tug Fork River. Coal slurry is made up of solid and liquid waste and is a by-product of the coal mining and preparation processes.The water supply for over 27,000 residents was contaminated, and all aquatic life in Coldwater Fork and Wolf Creek was killed.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Canadian Identity Test.

What makes me a true Canadian is as follows:
  • I am a friendly and polite person.
  • I respect all nationalities.
  • I  know that Canada's many cultures makes it unique and special.
  • I am proud when I see the Canadian flag or watch the winning goal of a hockey game.
  • I know our great countries history; what makes it one of the best places to live on earth.
  • I have freedom to my own religion, occupation, and lifestyle.
  • I have travelled our country and seen the luminous rocky mountains, our vast oceans, and the rumbling niagra falls that make up the geography of Canada.
  • When myself or my family has been injured we have the inusrance of free health care.
  • I frequently see moose and beaver on brisk strolls through my neighborhood.
  • I use/do Canadian inventions such as the telephone, snow shoes, and basketball to name a few.
There are many types of things that make me a true Canadian but most of all the love of my country.